Masks were donated from a current student and a former student

Update: 2020年4月28日

Masks were donated from a current student and a former student , Dean of Students KATO, Etsuko    Masks were donated from a current student and a former student , Dean of Students KATO, Etsuko

A current student and a former student who has completed a graduate program at ICU donated a total of 1,300 face masks to ICU (800 and 500 masks respectively), which were delivered to ICU last week.

The two are international students from China. Along with the masks, they sent us a message saying "China is recovering from the crisis and medical supplies are getting easier to obtain. We want to do something to help at a time when Japan is having a hard time." We received their warm-hearted support with great appreciation.

Part of the donated masks will be given to hospitals where ICU students are usually treated, and the rest handed to ICU members who are in need of them. Each piece of mask will be used with care and appreciation.

Apart from these masks, we have been receiving encouragement and support from many people. ICU is deeply grateful for everyone. Thank you very much.

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