Event for returnee students in exchange program to share their learning

Update: October 17, 2019

Momona Otsuka, Hana Matsuo, and Riho Matsumaru (from left)Momona Otsuka, Hana Matsuo, and Riho Matsumaru (from left)

Three students of ICU who were studying in the U.K., Sweden, and Finland as exchange students from last fall till this summer initiated a project called "Connecting Dots, Collecting Distances" in order to share what they learned regarding connection between people, between people and things, and with the environment during their studies abroad, and they have been holding various events from October 7 (Mon.).

The project was started by Momona Otsuka (4th year student; major in public policy with minor in public policy with minor in environmental studies), Hana Matsuo (major in peace studies), and Riho Matsumaru (major in sociology), who all share concerns about the environment and have doubts about the mass consumption in society. They held the event by taking advantage of ICU's system to support dormitory-based community activities.

The students held an exhibition "Designs that Connect" at the second floor lounge of the University Hall and the Wisteria Hall, the common living and dining area of the Momi House and Maple House dormitories (the exhibition at the University Hall has ended and the one at Wisteria Hall will be till October 25). The three displayed posters that summarized their experiences in the U.K., Sweden, and Finland using seven verbs - communicate, reflect, swap, repair, share, reframe, choose - that expresses the connection between people and between people and things. On October 8 (Tue.), the project held a panel discussion event titled "Relationship between 'I' and 'Things'" by inviting Ms. Rika Sueyoshi, the representative of Ethical Association. It is also running a project exhibition "Enjoying Affluent Life in its Entirety" to introduce books that inspire people to reconsider the links between everyday life and society at the Library through October 31 (Thur.).


Left: The panel discussion event; Right: With Ms. Sueyoshi (center) and ICU's Prof. Tatsuo Nunoshiba after the event

"We are happy if this event can inspire more people to consider environmental issues and social problems as their own issues and think that they can initiate small changes. We would like to create a forum where these people with awareness can connect and enjoy taking actions together," said Otsuka, Matsuo, and Matsumaru, who organized the event, speaking of their aspirations.

As one of future actions, they are also planning to translate, along with ICU students, Junbi wa iikai? Namonaki kozaru to eshikaru na boken (Are you ready? A little monkey and an ethical trip) (Yamakawa Shuppansha Ltd.), a picture book for learning global environment and SDGs, into English.

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